Digital voting in Germany — Application design

Since digital voting is becoming a more and more relevant topic in other countries we took a look at the situation in Germany. We developed an application that encourages the user to participate in an election and allows them to vote conveniently and safely.

User research, UX/UI design, prototyping
uni project, 2018 

with Johanna Manz and Fabian Vincenz
/ redesign 2021

In the meantime — if you just want to say hi or take a glance at my portfolio send me an e-mail.


The internet is becoming an increasingly important tool in politics. Petitions are being signed online and campaigns are started on Twitter. One of the only exceptions are political elections, at least in most countries. In Estonia voting via the internet is possible since 2005. The so-called “i-Voting” is used by 44% of the population.*


cards showing personas with illustration and text

We translated the insights of our research and interviews into five personas. We determined a target group of eligible voters between 16 and 55, who are comfortable with using digital devices.

How might we make digital voting convenient, secure, and therefore more attractive?

The initial approach







Since the prospect of online voting couldn’t be more relevant in a year of parliamentary elections in Germany during a pandemic, I decided to redesign this project and apply everything I learned since working on it initially.

The initial approach

Since the prospect of online voting couldn’t be more relevant in a year of parliamentary elections in Germany during a pandemic, I decided to redesign this project and apply everything I learned since working on it initially.

phones that show the old design of the application

The redesign

The redesign

girl with phone infront of a arriving train
screens of the voting process
hands holding a phone somewhere outside showing the application
phone showing the screen of submitting the election
wall with posters